Hitting a Draw in Golf

A draw is similar to a hook as the ball will travel right to left, but a draw shot is deliberate and is more controlled than a hook. The pros know that the distance added to their drives is invaluable, so they spend many hours mastering this shot. When a draw is correctly performed, the ball should fly lower and roll further on the fairway. There will be a marked improvement in your overall game, as you perfect this shot.

A few things must happen during your swing to properly learn this valuable golf shot.
A strong grip is necessary when hitting a draw. Do not turn the club shaft; just slightly rotate your hands to the right on the shaft.

By closing your stance slightly, your body now has the room necessary to fully turn and achieve the proper swing path (inside to out).
Allow your hands to do the work as the head of the club makes contact with the ball. The club face will slightly close as your right hand naturally rolls back to a neutral position.
Your head should be down as the follow through is completed. When properly formed, the ball will naturally begin a right way path; at the apex, it should turn left and stop turning once the center line is reached. If you notice that the ball curves to the left immediately then that is an indication that you need to continue practicing hitting a draw.

The remaining divot will also be a good measurement. When using an iron, the divot should be left or straight on the target line; it should not appear on the right.
The #6 mid-iron is the recommended club to use to hit a draw correctly, but a soft grip makes it difficult to make this a good shot. Besides practicing, make sure your grip is firm.

Don't be discouraged as you will experience many hook shots while practicing hitting a draw. The rotation of your hands take practice. Make tiny adjustments, hit some balls, observe the results and, as needed, make more adjustments.

After you have mastered this shot with mid-irons, try using your drivers. The driver is a club not easily mastered when hitting a draw, but it will not be so hard after you have practiced with the easier clubs. Learning the mechanics of this shot will help you control the shot. Don't give up and keep practicing!
For more Golf tips and Lessons, please visit BBGolfer.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7644547

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