Do Golf Exercises At Home To Improve Your Game

By Anthony Lewis

Golfing is a sport that requires specific movements and twists that need special forms of exercise. Many golfers assume that a bad game or problem with their swing is caused by lack of practice. This is often not the case. Having enough flexibility and muscle control helps keep you in the right position to swing correctly. Doing golf exercises at home can improve your game by making sure your muscles are in tip-top shape.

Seated rotations is an easy exercise. This one entails sitting in a chair and simply rotating the upper torso from the center position to the right and then again to the left. You do not want to snap or be aggressive with this one because you can pull a muscle. The even movements will help stretch the muscles in your back to make them more flexible and allow a better follow-through on your swing.

Doing handwalks helps stretch your lower back and hamstrings. Many of the exercises that are needed will have more to do with flexibility than strength. In this one, you keep your feet in a comfortable stance. Bend forward and place your hands away from your feet on the floor. Next, walk them back towards your feet, trying to keep them flat on the ground. Only go as far as you can so you don't hurt yourself. You will feel stretching in your lower back and back of your legs.

Squats without using a weight can tone and strengthen your legs. Using a golf club is a great way to provide stability. You're not trying to build muscle mass, but instead, strengthen your hamstrings. Start by holding the club over your head. Slowly squat to a sitting position. You may use a chair to help judge how far down you need to squat. There is no need to go all the way to the floor. Holding this position and then standing up again will do the job. Several reps a day will provide a great toning sensation to your legs.

Reaching for your toes is similar to the handwalks. This is an easy exercise that most are familiar with. Start with feet together and simply bend towards your toes. If you can't reach them, it's ok. Do not lunge or bounce to try and reach them because you may pull a muscle.

The sky reach works on your upper back and shoulder blades. Hold a club in your hands with them spread as far as you can reach. Keep your leg stance wide and bend over with the club in front of you. You will try to reach the floor. Then, using your shoulder blades and upper shoulder muscles, pull the club back up and reach for the sky. Doing this several times by using your shoulder blades to initiate the lift will build those muscles.

Leg swings help with hip muscles. In a standing position, move your left leg directly out to the side of your body as far as you can go comfortably and hold it. After several repetitions, do the same for your right leg. The leg should not go forward or back, but directly to the side of the body.

Doing the right exercises can help improve your game by giving you both strength and flexibility where you need it. These are simple forms that you can do at home, in the gym, or even at the park. They are easy to do and will greatly improve your game.

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